What is Pre-ETS?

What is Pre-ETS?

PRE-ETS is designed to encourage initial career exploration, enrich transition planning, and empower students to maximize independence

Pre-ETS is designed to:

  • Encourage initial career exploration
  • Enrich transition planning
  • Empower students to maximize independence


Who is Eligible for Pre-ETS? Ages 14-21 (22 fi birthday falls during the school year) Secondary, post-secondary or other recognized educational program. Has a documented disability

Who is eligible?

  • Ages 14-21 (22 if birthday falls during the school year)
  • Secondary, post-secondary or other recognized educational program
  • Has a documented disability

Where is Pre-ETS Provided? Community, schools, virtual, and DARS offices

What is the difference between PRE-ETS and Vocational Rehab? PRE-ETS: no eligibility determination, release and consent form, early start to explore career interests and skills. Vocational Rehab: requires eligibility, support to pursue goals during the transition out of school

What is the Intent of PRE-ETS? To supplement transition or 504, collaborate with schools, and align with career pathways model.

PRE-ETS Programs: Job exploration counseling, work-based learning, instruction in self-advocacy, and counseling on postsecondary education/training

When does PRE-ETS end? 1. when no longer interested or available. 2. No longer meets the definition of student with disability.

DARS field office locations and district directors

view DARS Field Office locations and District Directors

DARS field office locations

Prepare students for the future - Pre-Employment Transition Services: Job Exploration, Work-based learning, education and training options, workplace readiness, self advocacy

Helping Students with Disabilities Plan and Prepare for Careers