Pre-ETS Ambassador

Employment Transition Services Ambassador Program

The Center for Family Involvement is working with the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to inform families of students with disabilities about Pre-Employment Transition Services and help develop a post high school plan that can be shared at IEP meetings. Pre-ETS is available to any student with a disability who has an IEP and is 14 or older.

CFI has trained staff members who serve as Pre-ETS Ambassadors who can help families access these services

two people talking

  • Ambassadors will hold one to one conversations with families.
  • Ambassadors will prepare families and their youth for transition IEPs
  • Ambassadors will help the family plan for their youth to be their own self-advocated and to plan for employment

"We, as ambassadors, will help with some of the soft skills of planning for the future, whatever that may look like. We will utilize the Charting the Life Course tools to help put some structure to ideas around what a person may want or hope for their future and what they can do to take steps toward those ideas that will (hopefully) become goals. The idea is to set a plan in motion to begin a trajectory toward a life they envision for themselves. This support would be complementary to what the DARS folks are doing, as it would encourage self awareness, self reflection and ultimately personal growth."

-Renee Soniat

Renee Soniat

"A person with a disability who has a Transition EIP or 504 Plan can utilize the assistance from an Ambassador for the Charting the Life Course tools. These tools can help students discover skills they already have, goals they want for their future, and people in their life and in the community, who can help them reach their goals to live the life they want. Being able to put on paper what a student wants for their future can help them see the possibilities and build confidence in reaching their goals."

- Rebecca

Rebecca Stickler

Request Ambassador Assistance

To request ambassador assistance please email us at

CFI Referral Form

What is Pre-ETS?

click here to find out