About Us

The Center for Family Involvement at the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University partners with the Virginia departments of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS), Education (VDOE) and Health (VDH), the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (AOD), and others in supporting a variety of activities to strengthen family involvement.

Our Mission

The Center for Family Involvement works with families to increase their skills as advocates, mentors and leaders so that families, children and young adults with disabilities can lead the lives they want.


Our Vision

Every family of a person with a disability, together with the professionals who work with them, embraces the family’s role in improving the lives of people with disabilities. Families become:

  • Advocates who speak with and for their family members with disabilities
  • Mentors who use what they have learned to help others
  • Leaders who make possible a better life for those who follow
woman with disabled boy

Cultural Competence

Whose land are you on?

In the spirit of healing, we acknowledge and honor the Powhatan Tribe and all of the original Indigenous peoples of the land upon which Virginia Commonwealth University stands.

“The CFI is committed to cultural competence.  We stand by the statements put out both by VCU and by AUCD.  We will continue to strive to model inclusive practices and to promote self-awareness and cultural agility and humility among our students, faculty, and staff. We encourage our CFi team members and Family Navigators to reflect on how they can be agents of change. Listen and have the difficult conversations, read current literature on bias, racism, privilege, and complicity, and engage in professional development."

Inclusion Image